Embracing Dignity: Expert Dementia Care at home with Kumra Care

Dementia Care

Caring for someone with dementia can be incredibly demanding, affecting you physically, emotionally, and mentally. But you don't have to face this alone. With years of experience, Kumra Care is here to support you with whatever you need, whenever you need it.

Why is Dementia Care so important?

As our loved ones age, dementia is becoming more common, but with early diagnosis, we can better manage the journey ahead. Whether or not a diagnosis has been made, the need for compassionate care remains crucial.

Early support can help families incorporate care into their daily routines, allowing those with memory loss to retain as much independence as possible. At Kumra Care, we understand the challenges of caring for someone with dementia, and our extensive experience has made us experts in providing compassionate, dignified, and effective dementia care right in the comfort of home.

Expert Dementia Care training:

We take pride in our innovative approach to Dementia Care. Our unique training programme for Care Professionals, accredited by City & Guilds, is designed specifically for home care. Developed by leading ageing experts, dementia specialists, and medical practitioners, this programme ensures that your loved ones receive the highest standard of care.

Our relationship-centred approach provides personalised care that:

  • helps your loved ones feel safe and calm at home

  • builds confidence and encourages engagement

  • provides nutritious meals and activities that promote healthy eating

  • fosters opportunities for social interaction

  • engages the mind with stimulating activities

  • builds self-esteem and enhances physical strength

  • manages and soothes challenging behaviours

  • allows families to take a much-needed rest from caregiving

Understanding Dementia:

Dementia is a complex condition that involves a range of symptoms, from memory loss to difficulties with communication. It’s caused by various conditions that affect the brain's neurons, including Alzheimer’s disease and Vascular dementia. When someone has dementia, their brain’s neurons become damaged, disrupting the flow of electrical messages and impairing essential bodily functions.

In the early stages, the effects of dementia may be subtle, but as time goes on, they can become more severe, gradually impacting a person’s ability to manage their day-to-day life. The symptoms and their severity depend on the specific areas of the brain affected and the underlying cause of the dementia. This condition can be deeply distressing and debilitating, both for those living with it and for their loved ones.

Understanding Dementia Care:

Dementia care is about much more than addressing symptoms—it’s about seeing and supporting the whole person behind the diagnosis. Each individual with dementia experiences the condition in their own unique way, facing different challenges and moments of clarity. Providing effective care means stepping into their world with empathy, offering warmth, smiles, and positive support to make their journey as comfortable and dignified as possible.

Why Choose Dementia Care at Home?

There’s truth in the saying, “Home is where the heart is,” especially for those living with dementia. Home is a place of comfort, filled with familiar faces and cherished memories, which is why staying at home is often the best option for someone with dementia. It’s where they feel safe, secure, and connected to the life they’ve known.

At Kumra Care, we offer flexible care tailored to your needs and the needs of your loved one—whether that’s a few hours a week, daily visits, or 24-hour live-in care. Our dedicated dementia Care Professionals bring not only expert knowledge but also compassion and understanding, giving you peace of mind that your loved one is receiving the very best care in the place they know and love.

We're here for you...

We’ve had the privilege of helping thousands of families stay safe, comfortable, and happy at home. Whatever situation you’re facing, or whatever questions you have, Kumra Care is here to support you every step of the way.

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