Rest Easy: Our personalised Overnight Care for your safety and comfort at home

Overnight Care

Feel safe at home, knowing that a Kumra Care Care Professional is by your side to provide care and support throughout the night.

Do you need someone to be there for you during the night?

At Kumra Care, we understand how important it is for you to feel safe and well-supported at home, no matter the time of day or night. Our experienced and dedicated Care Professionals are here to offer care and comfort during the night, whether through a sleep-in service or a waking night service—our overnight care is tailored to meet your unique needs.

A sleep-in service involves a Care Professional staying in your home while you sleep. This service is perfect for those who may not need active care during the night but feel more comfortable knowing someone is close by in case help is needed. This can be especially reassuring for individuals with progressive conditions like dementia, where feelings of confusion, disorientation, or stress can be alleviated by having a familiar face nearby.

Knowing a Care Professional is sleeping close by brings peace of mind and can greatly enhance overall well-being, allowing you or your loved one to sleep soundly without anxiety. The sleep-in service can also include assistance with getting to bed in the evening and preparing breakfast in the morning.

Waking Night Service:

Overnight care is ideal for those who are elderly or unwell and may require frequent assistance during the night—whether it’s helping with medication, reaching the bathroom, or simply having a comforting presence nearby. With overnight care at home, you or your loved one can maintain independence while receiving the care and support needed to stay safe and well.

Sleep-in Service:

A waking night service involves a Care Professional staying awake and on duty throughout the night in your home. This service is ideal for those who wake frequently and need care and support, such as assistance with bathroom visits, personal or continence care, regular repositioning (especially after an accident or injury), medication administration, or help orienting to the time of day to return to sleep.

Our care is always personalized to your needs, meaning we can adjust your overnight care options whenever you need or if circumstances change. Whatever your situation, our Care Professionals are here to ensure you live well at home, your way.

We're here for you...

We’ve had the privilege of helping thousands of families stay safe, comfortable, and happy at home. Whatever situation you’re facing, or whatever questions you have, Kumra Care is here to support you every step of the way.

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